Post operative knee questions:
- when can I shower? The instruction sheet is clear on this. After a knee arthroscopy you can shower the next day, after a procedure which involves a longer incision (ACL reconstruction, etc) you can shower in 3 days. Any questions… ask us first.
- When can I walk? Following a knee arthroscopy, immediately, as tolerated. After an ACL reconstruction, immediately, with crutches for assistance. After a total knee replacement… ask your therapist, or me in the office. After a quadriceps or patella tendon repair? You can walk in your cast or your brace. Wait until I allow you to walk without the brace.
- When can I drive? Following a knee replacement, approx 6 weeks if it is your right knee, and 3 weeks if it is your left. Following a knee arthroscopy, generally within a few days. Following an ACL reconstruction, varies based upon your progress.