Last week I put up two podcasts my cohost, and I did on metabolic syndrome or MetS. Metabolic syndrome is an incredibly important topic when it comes to improving people’s longevity and healthspan.
Most all chronic diseases that we will suffer from have a metabolic cause. That means poorly functioning mitochondria, the energy-producing system in our body, is not working well.
The downsides of metabolic syndrome?
- heart disease
- stroke
- Dementia
- fatty liver
- pancreatic cancer
- …..
All the issues in the list above are “area under the curve” issues. This means that the severity of the disease is based on how long your metabolism has been dysfunctional. And we are usually talking about 10-20 years. Yes, what you ate and how active you were in your twenties and thirties will have a significant impact on your health in your fifties.
For example… if you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes tomorrow… the process started 15-20 years ago. Same with a heart attack, stroke, or dementia diagnosis.
This paper below shows that improving your metabolic health and diminishing the downstream effects of MetS lead to a decreased risk of developing pancreatic cancer… same can be said for stroke, dementia, and so on.
Most all of you went out of your way to protect your health due to covid. We masked, isolated, distanced, and got vaccinated. Well… it worked– now let’s get us all on a path to enjoy the rest of our lives without the burden of chronic diseases.
If you are on all three common meds or variations:
- Lisinopril
- Atorvastatin
- metformin
… then, you may very well have MetS.
Check out the podcasts above, and drop us a comment on your thoughts.