This will be the background post in the:
A Straightforward Diagnosis ~ Five Professional Opinion series.
Each month we will explore a relatively straightforward diagnosis … and hopefully expose and share with you the complexity of the decision making behind how we decide to treat these injuries.
The amount of scientific literature being published every day exceeds the cognitive capacity of each and every physician’s ability to find it —forget about absorb it. That is one of the most significant personal drivers for maintaining my presence on various social platforms. By following certain #hashtags, #surgeons, #therapists, and #athletictrainers I am being constantly exposed to new literature that I may have missed. I can virtually attend a conference through someones twitter feed despite being on the soccer fields with my children. Twitter in particular is changing the way we educate, share, learn and become exposed to new evidence, techniques and technologies.
Our participants are busy local and national leaders in the realm of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine each of the participants in this series brings a unique voice to each topic. We will also bring in the opinions and thoughts of leading physical therapists and athletic trainers who probably have a more important role when it comes to getting the injured athlete back on the field.
For a global audience thirsty for guidance and knowledge, the opinions of these thought leaders on otherwise straightforward diagnoses will hopefully prove to be a valuable asset in their sports injury knowledge arsenal.
As a team, we look forward to sharing our experience with you.
Stay tuned… First post:
ACL Injuries.
The participants :
Dr David Geier : Twitter: @DrDavidGeier ; Website
Dr Jeff Berg: Twitter: @DrJeffBerg ; Website
Dr Derek Ochiai: Twitter: @DrDerekOchiai ; Website
Dr. Steve Mora: Twitter: @myorthodoc ; Website
Dr Scott Slattery: Twitter: @sportscaduceus ; Website: