The achilles tendon has brought down mythical warriors and many weekend warriors alike. Tendinopathy- by definition, implies that some degree of degeneration
Did I Tear My ACL?
Most ACL injuries occur after a non-contact twisting injury. ACL tears can also occur after being struck on the side of your leg. Most athletes will pivot or
Meniscus Tears In Golfers
Meniscus tears or injuries are very common. Because of the significant amount of turning and pivoting with golf, the meniscus is under a lot of stress.
The Risks of Blood Transfusions in Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery is performed for people with severe pain and poor quality of life due to arthritis. As the baby boomer generation ages the number of
Bakers Cyst Of The Knee
A Bakers cyst is a fluid filled sac that can form in the back of your knee. When the cyst is large, it will cause a bulge in the back of your knee. If the
Frozen Shoulder: 5 Tips To Conquer A Stiff Shoulder
You woke up one morning, and your shoulder is hurting a lot! You also notice that it feels a little stiff. How could this happen ?!?!
Pectoral Tendon Tears: A Treatment Guide
The pectoral tendon attaches the pec major muscle to your humerus or arm bone. The pec major is a very powerful muscle. Pectoral tendons are usually
Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear
A bucket handle meniscus tear is a unique type of meniscus tear. Bucket handle meniscus tears are more common in younger athletes. They can occur
Does ACL Surgery Prevent Arthritis?
ACL tears are far more common than in the past. Up until recently our primary goal of ACL surgery was to stabilize your knee to prevent further damage. It
Can A Meniscus Tear Heal?
Meniscus tears are a very common injury. Since many people over 50 will have one and many more over 70 will have one it is normal to wonder if a meniscus tear
AC Joint Arthritis Treatment Options
The AC Joint is a small joint on top of your shoulder. It is formed where your collarbone meets your shoulder blade. Many people have swelling or prominence
Do I Need a Brace After ACL Surgery?
Bracing after ACL surgery has been recommended for many reasons. But there is no evidence to support routine bracing after ACL surgery. Some propose that it