An ACL injury is commonplace. Most ACL tears occur due to non-contact injuries. Players most often tear their ACL when turning, pivoting, or twisting. What
Should We Delay ACL Surgery to Decrease Risk of Arthritis
ACL tears are occurring with alarming frequency. Most people are told to have ACL surgery soon after the injury. Many people are under the false assumption
8 Important ACL Questions to Ask Your Surgeon
You just returned home from the emergency room. You or your child twisted their knee and felt a pop. Unable to walk, an emergency room visit seemed very
Is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Useful In Recovery From ACL Surgery?
One of the biggest challenges in ACL rehab is regaining adequate strength in the surgical leg. Even at 1 year post-op, many patients still demonstrate
ACL Graft Choices: A Video Discussion
In this video, Dr Jeff Berg and I talk about the ACL graft choices you have. In order to reconstruct your new ACL we need to use a tendon as a graft.
Why Some Athletes Never Return to Sports After ACL Surgery
ACL injuries are incredibly difficult for most athletes to handle. The injury is just first blood drawn in a long battle. The surgery is painful. Recovery
Did I Tear My ACL?
Most ACL injuries occur after a non-contact twisting injury. ACL tears can also occur after being struck on the side of your leg. Most athletes will pivot or
Does ACL Surgery Prevent Arthritis?
ACL tears are far more common than in the past. Up until recently our primary goal of ACL surgery was to stabilize your knee to prevent further damage. It
Do I Need a Brace After ACL Surgery?
Bracing after ACL surgery has been recommended for many reasons. But there is no evidence to support routine bracing after ACL surgery. Some propose that it
Video Series: Which ACL Graft To Choose?
Choosing the right ACL graft for you is important. There are many tissues or grafts available to use to reconstruct or rebuild your ACL
How Long Does It Take To Recover From ACL Surgery?
ACL surgery requires an extensive, specific and long recovery. The ACL recovery process is long in order to limit your risk of reinjury and to give you the
Physical Therapy Before ACL Surgery Improves Your Results
When you tear your anterior cruciate ligament or ACL your knee swells with blood. When the knee swells, that triggers a cascade of events which causes you to