Your child falls…. perhaps you didn’t witness it. Now your 3, 4, or 5 year old is limping around. What to do? ice? rest? ace wrap?
You witness a fall and now your tike doesn’t want to use their hand or arm. Perhaps they’re crying…perhaps not. What to do?
Little tikes do not have any secondary gain issues. If they are not walking or using their arm and complain of pain, there is something wrong. Is it an emergency that needs to go to the emergency room at 2 AM? Sometimes yes, usually no. While a trip to the ER might not be necessary immediately, a trip to your orthopedist should be arranged for the next day. Children are growing and have growth plates. Their growth plates fracture more easily than mature bone. Children’s fractures frequently do not swell as much as adult fractures…so don’t let the lack of swelling determine if a visit to see an orthopedist is necessary. If your child has an injury and then refuses to use the arm or leg… they should be seen.
Don’t sweat it…. most growth plate fractures heal uneventfully, if treated in a timely, appropriate manner.