"You must have surgery ... " 20 something years ago I was faced with a very important decision. What specialty would I choose to pursue as a physician?
Decision Making for Labral Tears and Rotator Cuff Tears [video]
...and we should NOT think like mechanics. Orthopedists and Twitter Thanks to an orthopedic colleague, Dr. Katherine Burns, the Orthopedic community and any
Social Media and Your Health … A News Wrap-up
For fans who enjoy wandering through or those who are just approaching the intersection of Social Media and Healthcare, the New York Times provided us with a
Why Patients Seek Second Opinions
Healthcare and Social Media Shared Decision Making in Orthopedic Surgery This has been a very busy week already. I have seen many second opinions and I am
Over-testing, Over-utilization – Unintended Consequences and Associated *Costs*
As many would agree, we are an over-tested society. Who is driving this? Are docs ordering more tests because it is easier than explaing the natural history of