A friend of mine recently told me that she wasn't sure she could commit to losing weight because she didn't know if she'd have time to workout. With so many
Stop Sitting, Start Moving : Staying Active in 2016 and Beyond
Sitting is the new smoking . We sit and look at our phones and the downsides mount. Many of us clearly recognize the effects that our inactivity and the foods
Common Mistakes You Make Which Crush Your New Exercise Program
You have decided that this year will be different. This year you will succeed with your plans to exercise regularly. We are all aware of the enormous benefits
Fats and Carbs … How Do We Know What To Eat?
Why is an Orthopedist talking about dietary habits... because it is important. All I know about nutrition I learned after medical school. Schools do a poor
Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Training & Performance
Heart rate variability (HRV) is an important marker of an individual’s physiological stress level. When properly analyzed in the context of training, it can be
Running : The Best Medicine
Is running the happiness miracle? It sure does come close to being the perfect outlet. It's inexpensive, easy to find a place to do it, and running properly
The Aging Athlete : Staying In The Game
If you were asked to describe an elderly person, what sort of words would you come up with? For many, the answer probably includes something along the lines of
Sitting IS The New Smoking: Make Your Day a Little Harder
Like it or not, it turns out that sitting is really bad for your health. Between our jobs, our commute and our desire to rest after a long day with our
Fitness Trackers Can Change Your Life — IF You Let Them.
Can a fitness tracker nudge you into pursuing healthier activities? Sitting is the new smoking. People who sit themselves down at a desk for hours on end
Mobile Apps and Healthy Behavior Modification : Challenges and Opportunities
Face it... getting us to change our unhealthy habits and behavior is NOT easy. Your phone can deliver a wealth of information at the click of a button.
Exercise : Fads and Effectiveness
Exercise. Most of us commit to it on January 1st, and think about it again the next January. But, for the few that continue on their quest - confusion