As people share more via social media, they have access to more opinions from the people they trust about the products and services they use. This makes
Decision Making for Labral Tears and Rotator Cuff Tears [video]
...and we should NOT think like mechanics. Orthopedists and Twitter Thanks to an orthopedic colleague, Dr. Katherine Burns, the Orthopedic community and any
Healthcare and Social Media… the ROI is Real, but the *Message* Matters
IT is now 4 years since I initially published this post, but this a message that bears repeating. Despite the clear fact that we as providers are clearly
Health Care~Social Media: Testimonials … and reputation *management*.
There has been a lot of recent *talk* and social media chatter around testimonials --- their usefulness, believability and influence on a patient's decisions to
Social Media and Health Care … Physician Engagement
One day a physician will look in the mirror and see a patient ! That patient will know where to look for evidence based, useful, actionable information they