Bracing after ACL surgery has been recommended for many reasons. But there is no evidence to support routine bracing after ACL surgery. Some propose that it
Physical Therapy Before ACL Surgery Improves Your Results
When you tear your anterior cruciate ligament or ACL your knee swells with blood. When the knee swells, that triggers a cascade of events which causes you to
ACL Graft Choice: Which One Fails More Often?
Athletes with a torn ACL in their knee often complain of instability and giving way. An ACL reconstruction should restore stability of the knee and enable an
Can ACL Tears Be Repaired?
Tears of the anterior cruciate ligament or ACL have become commonplace on the ball fields across the world. ACL injuries are usually treated with a
The Bridge ACL Surgery: Is An ACL Repair Possible?
Upwards of 400,000 people will tear their ACL this year. Many of those athletes will choose to have surgery for their ACL injury in order to allow them to
ACL Recovery – 4 tips for the first 4 weeks: Setting the Stage for a Great Rehab
Recovery from ACL surgery should be considered a marathon and not a sprint. The recovery process actually begins before ACL surgery. After surgery, the first
How Do You Choose A Surgeon For Your ACL Surgery?
The parents of an ACL injured athlete faces many challenging choices. Is ACL surgery necessary? Which ACL surgery technique best suits my child's
Return to Sports After ACL Surgery : 5 Professional Opinions
Having ACL surgery is a big commitment. It is a painful procedure with a long-anticipated recovery. As your surgeons, we know all of you have one goal in
ACL Surgery Graft Choice : 5 Professional Opinion Series
When you are considering ACL Surgery, choosing which ACL replacement graft to use is not always an easy decision. This will be the second post in our
4 Key Considerations When Choosing Your ACL Surgeon
Did you know the majority of Orthopedic Surgeons perform only a handful of ACL reconstructions a year? Usually less than one per month. Does that matter?
4 Tips to Prepare You For an ACL Reconstruction
ACL Injuries are now common place. The prospect of ACL surgery requires planning and preparation. The more you know, the better prepared you are to choose the
When Should My Child Have ACL Surgery- Video
Children who suffer an ACL tear can not be treated like small adults. Your child is far more likely to suffer secondary injuries such as meniscus tears